Web design is the art of creating content presentations (usually hypertext or hypermedia) that to an end user on the World Wide Web, using a web browser or other Web-enabled software such as Internet TV, microblogging clients and RSS readers. The purpose of web design [1] is to create a website a collection of web pages of electronic documents and applications residing on a web server / servers and the content and interactive functions / links to the end user in the form of the present web sites request. Elements such as text, little pictures are displayed (GIF, JPEG) and the forms can be placed with HTML / XHTML / XML tags on the page. Show more complex media (vector graphics, animations, videos, sounds) requires plug-ins such as Adobe Flash, QuickTime, Java run-time environments and more. Plug-ins are also integrated into a site with HTML / XHTML tags. Improved browser compliance with W3C standards has led to a widespread acceptance and use of XHTML / XML in conjunction with CSS to place web page elements and objects and handle them. The latest templates and suggestions should allow search engines to offer customers a variety of options for content and accessibility without the use of plug-ins...
Web Design85%
Web Development90%
Mobile App Development 95%
Software Testing80%